4 Tips to Keep Your Self-Storage Unit Organized When Moving

4 Tips to Keep Your Self-Storage Unit Organized When Moving

Moving is undoubtedly a stressful life event. Between the disruption in your routine, to the packing, organizing and actual moving of your belongings, it’s not uncommon to feel unorganized and stressed.  

That's where a self-storage unit can help. Self-storage units can be a valuable resource during the moving process, providing flexibility and convenience as you transition from one location to another.  
But just like any other room in your house, self-storage units can also be cluttered and unorganized without special attention—only adding more stress to your plate when moving. Here are 4 tips to keep your storage unit clean and organized during your move.  

1. Plan Ahead

Keeping a self-storage unit organized during a move is essential for easy access to your belongings and to maximize the space efficiently. 
Before you dive head-first into any packing and moving, consider developing a timeline that outlines important tasks and deadlines leading up to your move. Include tasks such as decluttering, packing, hiring movers, and scheduling utility transfers. Having a timeline will help you stay on track and prioritize tasks effectively. 
Once items are decluttered and packed, plan how you'll organize them inside the storage unit. Consider creating a floor plan or sketch to visualize where each category of items will go. 

2. Declutter Before Packing

Before you start packing, take the time to declutter your belongings. Sort through your items and decide what to keep, donate, sell, or discard. This will reduce the number of items you need to pack and move, saving you time and effort. 
Consider making a detailed inventory of all your belongings before packing. This will help you keep track of your items during the move and ensure that nothing gets lost or misplaced in your self-storage unit or once in your home.  

3. Choose Packing Supplies Wisely

Use sturdy, uniform boxes and containers to store your belongings. This makes stacking easier and maximizes space utilization. Label each box clearly with its contents. 
Once it’s time to move your boxes and containers into your storage unit, you’ll also want to consider how they’re stored. Group similar items together and categorize them before storing. For example, keep all kitchen items together, all seasonal decorations together, etc. This makes it easier to find what you need later. 

4. Optimize Your Self-Storage Unit Space 

Moving is hard work, and once you arrive at your storage unit, you may be tempted to stuff everything in and move on to your next task. But it’s important to load your items in a logical and organized way to ensure that your belongings remain accessible and well-protected during the storing process. 

  • Create aisles: Leave enough space between boxes and furniture to create aisles for easy access to items. Avoid stacking boxes too high to prevent them from toppling over. 

  • Maximize vertical space: Take advantage of vertical space by stacking boxes and using shelves or tall furniture. Place heavier items on the bottom and lighter items on top. 

  • Use furniture for storage: Utilize the storage space inside furniture items such as dressers, wardrobes, and bookshelves. You can store smaller items inside drawers or on shelves. 

Self-Storage to Help Ease Moving Stress 

Whether you’re thinking about listing your home or about to start packing, self-storage can be instrumental in reducing the stress of moving. Contact us today to reserve a space in our top-of-the-line self-storage units.  

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