6 Ways to Get Organized in the New Year

6 Ways to Get Organized in the New Year

Too often, we make resolutions at the start of a new year that we don’t keep by year’s end. According to research conducted by the University of Scranton, only 8% of people who set a resolution on January 1 stick to it through December 31. In fact, the same study reports that only 64% make it to February.

Below, we share a few tips to help you sustain a common New Years resolution—getting organized.

1. Don’t Over-Commit

In the excitement and anticipation of a new year, we can sometimes get a bit overzealous in our resolution selection. We think BIG, which can then create a mountain-sized task for us to tackle.

Don’t set yourself up for quick discouragement. Instead of resolving to keep your entire house meticulously organized, focus first on your garage or select rooms.

Consider creating a calendar for yourself in which you outline which areas of your home you will tackle, and when. Having a plan that is broken down into manageable tasks over a period of time can help set you up for success, and help demonstrate your progress.

2. Make It Thoughtful

Make your resolution purposeful. Resolutions that have a reason behind them provide the motivation needed to remain focused.

In the example of a garage, are you reorganizing your garage to sell a shed? To buy a new car? Figure out why you’re setting your resolution, and use that as a driver for success. 

3. Get Rid of Unwanted Items

As you go through each room or target area on your list, look for opportunities to throw away, donate, recycle or store items that aren’t needed or used.

Common culprits include:

  • Clothes or shoes that no longer fit, are out of fashion or out of season.

  • Expired food, medicines, batteries or personal hygiene products.

  • Paperwork and mail. (Could important paperwork be digitized to save room?)

  • Items that are broken or missing pieces.

4. Give All Belongings a Space

To aid with organization, group your belongings into categories, and then assign that category a designated space in your room. For example, if organizing your garage, then have a dedicated space for kid’s toys or yard equipment.

If you notice over time that a specific category is overflowing out of it’s designated space, then it might be time to revisit step 3.

5. Don’t See Small Departures as Complete Failure

No one is perfect. You will have days where your organization skills are off the charts followed by a day or two of disarray. Accept that this will happen, and don’t let it discourage you. You’re not off track until you give up. 

6. Hold Yourself Accountable

If you think you might have a tough time sticking to your resolution, take a step to hold yourself accountable. Keep a journal and write down your daily progress or ask a friend to check in every few days to see if you’re on track. 

New Year, New Organized Life

Take the tips above and put them to work. Stick to your New Year’s resolution with a strong plan, thoughtful foundation and focused determination.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

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