7 Great Places to Store Holiday Gifts

7 Great Places to Store Holiday Gifts

Stores advertise holiday deals earlier every year, which means purchased gifts for your loved ones will need to stay hidden longer than ever before. With this in mind, you need a good spot to store your great finds.

Below, we share eight of our favorite places to keep gifts hidden until they’re ready to be received in holiday celebration.

1. Under the Stairs

Occasionally, staircases remain open underneath. Unless your kids like to frequent this spot for hide and seek, or your spouse keeps commonly used items here, this could be a perfect hideaway spot for your gifts.

2. On a Closet Shelf

Commonly, the items you use regularly are kept in the closet at eye level. Items that are not needed as frequently are stored higher up on a shelf, putting them out of sight and mind. Just out of view, these spaces might be the perfect spot to keep a box or two hidden under a blanket or a pile of old sweaters.

3. Under the Bed

If your bed is raised slightly off the floor, there is a nice amount of space under there, just going to waste! This spot works nicely to store dress shirt boxes and other shorter boxes. 

Once stashed away, be sure the items you’ve stored are truly out of sight. This can be tricky if your bed doesn’t have a skirt that reaches the floor. Take a step back, and double check that items are not readily visible from the doorway.

4. In Your Car Trunk

Particularly helpful if you and your loved ones do not share a car, your trunk could be the perfect place to keep possessions hidden. Pop the trunk, and store as many as you can fit away from prying eyes.

5. At the Office

While somewhat unconventional, and may have its space limitations, your office cubicle or desk drawers may be a place to keep gifts. Be careful of office parties, however, which could spoil the surprise if someone you’ve purchased for attends as a guest.

6. Swap With a Friend

In this season of giving, you are not alone. Others share similar storage problems. Consider enlisting an accomplice. Store gifts for your loved ones at a friend’s place and agree to house gifts for their loved ones at yours. (Just be sure to swap back just before the start of holiday festivities.)

7. Into a Self-Storage Unit

If all else fails, consider renting a seasonal self-storage solution. Relatively inexpensive, storage off-site may be the only real way to keep your gifts safe, secure and a surprise.   

What is your most successful gift-hiding spot of all time? Share with us in the comment section below.

Image source: Jennifer C.

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