5 Ways to Better Store Holiday Decorations

5 Ways to Better Store Holiday Decorations

It’ll be Christmas before we know it. Lights, garland and trimmed trees of all sizes are popping up everywhere as snow falls around us. Christmas In Cleveland is a magical time, with many reasons to gather, decorate and celebrate.

As you pull out decorations or buy new staples to give your home a seasonal twist, you may be filled with wonder on where to store it all after the News Years’ ball drops.

Below, we share a few storage considerations.

1.    Store in Original Boxes and Bins

Keep the original boxes and materials your items came in. These storage materials are well thought out to uniquely pair with your decorative item and can help you keep it intact for years to come.

2. Develop a Storage System

Here’s your time to be creative! We’re sure you have boxes storing various household items—from garden tools to electronics and artwork.

Unless an identification system is in place, it can be difficult to know which boxes you need to pull out around the holidays.

To combat, mark boxes in a way that clearly identifies them as your holiday season decorations. As a decorative touch, consider also adding graphical representations, such as a holiday light bulb for your lights, an ornament for tree supplies, or a snowflake for fake snow.

3. Pack Similar Items Together

To keep your items organized and systems clear, only store one type of item per box. Keep ornaments with ornaments and lights with lights to avoid confusion later on and the inevitable question of “Now where did I put that?”

4. Dedicate a Specific Space

Another way to know exactly where the items you need reside is to always keep them in the same place. If you’re a fan of the popular Netflix show, The Home Edit, Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin refer to these as “zones.”

Find a place that you associate with holiday decoration storage. Whether it’s under a staircase, in a specific area of your garage, or in a dedicated room, you will always know exactly where to look when the time comes.

5. Consider a Self-Storage Unit

Do you not have room in your home to dedicate space to holiday décor? Or perhaps, you go all out and just have a large number of decorations like these Cleveland folks.

Self-storage is a great alternative. A climate-controlled facility will ensure that your decorations are protected from environmental conditions that could cause them to deteriorate over time, keeping them protected for holidays to come!

Considering self-storage for your holiday decorations? Contact us today to learn more about our facility in Solon, Ohio. We’re ready to serve you!


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